The Clippers Game 7 win was big, but is it really a franchise changer? |
For some
unexplainable reason, the sports media has morphed into a giant panic button. Every
recent contest is “the greatest,” every collapse “the worst,” and every story
“the most shocking.” Talk shows thrive on inane “controversies” like the Jeremy
Lin headline, and build entire segments around topics such as, “is Eli better
than Peyton ?” simply because of one game.
How, in an arena full of objective statistics and game footage, did we
get here?
Since this
trend cannot go unchecked, I am instituting the Overreaction Threat Scale
(OTS). Modeled after the now-defunct Homeland Security Terror Alert Scale, the
OTS is Boris Diaw Time’s way of calling shenanigans on the sports media. As
idiotic stories pop up, we’ll test them against the OTS and see just how big of
an overreaction they are. Yes, for the first time, you’ll not only know that
these stories are stupid, you’ll know EXACTLY how stupid they are.